Abdullah Ahmad Badawi goes to a primary school to talk about the Corruption togther with all his tough looking bodyguards. After his talk, he offers question time.
One little boy puts up his hand and Abdullah asked, what is your name?
And what is your question, Liong?
I have 3 questions.
First, why did Malaysia Prime Minister open ceremony for his relatives Nasi Kandar in Australia?
Second, why many Indians wanted Samy Vellu to step down yet he is still their leader?
Third, why corruption is obvious now in Malaysia but not so before Mahathir stepped down? What is the strategy difference to cover up?
Just then, the bell rings for recess.
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess. When they resume Abdullah says, Ok where were we? Oh, thats right. Question time. Who has a question?
A different little boy raises his hand.
Abdullah points him out and asked him what is your name?
And what is your question Linkam?
I have 5 questions.
First, why did Malaysia Prime Minister open ceremony for his relatives Nasi Kandar in Australia?
Second, why many Indians wanted Samy Velu to stepped down yet he is still their leader?
Third, why corruption is obvious now in Malaysia but not so before Mahathir stepped down? What is the strategy difference to cover up?
Fourth, why did the recess bell go 20 minutes early?
Fifth, where is Liong???